14 February 2016

A background story about the new Veit

We're pregnant! Or I am, but we are expecting a baby! I am 12 weeks, and the due date is August 28th. While we are thinking it is a boy based off of intuitions, we will find out in a couple of weeks for sure.

I am seeing a Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor for a Subchorionic Bleed (there is a spot near the baby that is a hematoma and causing me to bleed every so often). These usually aren't a big deal, but mine has grown from 22 mm to 55 mm in 4 weeks, where you usually like to see them get smaller. Good news is it looks like the placenta is forming on the opposite side of my uterus but we'll know more after my next appointment. Baby is doing great, we've had four ultrasounds so far and I have a fetal doppler, which I am doing very well at only using a couple of times a week.

I have had more blood tests done this pregnancy too. I am on a progesterone supplement because it was low at my first HCG draw. I never even had an HCG blood test with Mary. However, after a miscarriage everything is different. When we moved to NC I was 8 weeks pregnant. We learned two days before the move that the baby had a small gestational sac and that it was a waiting game to see if the baby would make it. We were 10 weeks when we found out I miscarried. It made for an incredibly difficult transition to North Carolina. We were so lucky to have Leah with us to care for Mary. It was difficult, but we knew we would try again, we just were not intending for it to be so soon, but we are so grateful for this pregnancy. For those that didn't know about the miscarriage but knew we were pregnant, we are so sorry we didn't share with you. It was such an emotional time we kind of just went through emotions. Then we got pregnant right away and were not sure what to tell people. It has been a crazy rollercoaster so we thank you for your love, understanding, good thoughts, and prayers.

We are thrilled and scared and happy and emotional (ok, maybe that's just the hormonal pregnant lady). We can't wait to be a family of four. Mary loves hitting my growing belly. I think she will be a great big sister and we are excited for a transition to having two under two. 



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